Tuesday, May 22, 2012

A Trip to Never Never Land...or Why Am I Doing This Again?!?!

Ok, this week I learned how hard it is to find certain photos of certain parts of a horse’s body. The full body sculpture I am working on wants to be a boy (Ok, I want it to be a boy! Fine! Are you happy you made me admit it?!?!) so I had to look up...um...er...boy-parts. (There that's a safe wording, right?) Well, don't do that. No seriously don't bother. It'd be better to look for horses falling and hope you have a photo of an upside down horse showing what his mama, I mean, daddy gave him. Well, the best references I could find were.....my resin collection. Seriously?!?!?!?! Sarah Rose and Eberl are the only places I can find a decent shot of the 'stuff' and use it to sculpt by? Yes, that is exactly what I am saying. Although, I admit there was a website that supposedly had 'thousands of photos of animal genitalia' on file as a reference site. Well, my computer wouldn't open the pages and it wanted me to download something so I thought it better not to try my luck with whatever that site was. Coulda been so helpful tho. At least it didn't ask me to register and pay or anything....maybe I'll try it again....on someone else’s computer.... Yeah! That's it. So without further ado.........here is what I created. Otherwise known as my interpretation of a nether region.

Warning Advised: Must be 18 or older to scroll down further!

View from behind.
View from the bottom. (Not to be confused with the movie "View From the Top".)
Here he is after the surgeon finished his Brazilian Butt Lift surgery. No, the cheeks aren't even yet. Yes, he does have a...um...other stuff going on back there. I couldn't just leave him without one right?!?!
And...now for something completely different!
Yes, if you look closely in the left bottom corner you can see the lips of a horse head. No, I don't always take horse heads with me to Olive Garden. Geez, you guys sure are judgmental!
Also, on a real world note, congratulations to I'll Have Another. He was one of my top 3 in the Derby, along with Gemologist and Bodemeister. I decided not to go with him right before the race since he doesn't like sloppy tracks and it had stormed and the Oaks was postponed the day before. I will say that Bodemeister is also a great horse. It's kind of reminiscent of the Affirmed and Alydar races and that match race between Zenyatta and Rachel Alexandra we never got to see.

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