Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Random recent drawings

So I was given paper and told to draw a horse and without looking at one...I realized that I suck. So here are two attempts that have so many problems that I can't even begin to easily describe what went wrong.
So here are two 'horses'.
Here's one that I used the salt and watercolor technique around.
Here's the original drawing of the one that I used with the salt and watercolor technique.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Rhythmic Stormwatching....

Got bored and decided to paint my naked Stormwatch resin like my horse. Although my Stormwatch resin is with someone currently being commissioned as my horse so I had to do with a canvas and a sketch I had done of my Stormwatch previously. So without further ado, here is my portrait of my horse, on a portrait of a model.
Here he is more recently.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Long time no post!

I have been working on an over stretched American Saddlebred in a parked out pose. I know that this is not correct as it puts strain on the horse, but since no horses were harmed in the making of this project...wth! So here he is so far....
And just for fun.
He has actually, since, been primered so he doesn't really seem so bumpy and rough. The colored epoxy makes him just seem so off and unsmooth or refined.