Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Who needs graceful long legs?

So I decided to work on two of the horses to try to actually get somewhere in their transformation. So far so good, but a long way from finished.
Firstly, the pony has the shortest squattiest legs ever made. So ugly! I have tried to heat up and squish to lengthen, but only to get mediocre results. Need to fix the front legs and lengthen them to really see how far I am off. The neck needs to come forward a tad. I'm just gonna have to heat the legs up and lengthen them in the middle of the joints to obtain the height I want. I did not want to do that, but at least it will help reduce the bulkiness of them I hope. (Yeah did you notice the tail missing? lol)
Next, is the foal. I really need to get farther on this guy before someone realizes that I kinda put him to the side for WAY too long. I'm trying to decide if I should change the leg position of the kicking motion or leave it as is. Decisions, Decisions!
I also found two more bodies that I had been working on for a while.
One is the Shire that I want to make into a great amazing beast. You would have to see the image in my head to really understand it I guess.

The last is the Morgan, who is being transformed into a spanish style horse. What? You don't see it? I do. Hehe!
I seriously need to work on the pony though. I will probably go to blab to get some advice and help with him.
That's all for now folks!

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