Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Current Stuff: Not much progress, but lots of photos!

Well, I decided to pull out all of my horses and bodies and work on them a little bit. Here is where I left off and some new works that I started.
To the left is the Quarter Horse that I will be forever working on. He is headless, half legless, but still says something to me. That neck probably has to have major work done, but oh well. Let's see what is there to be done. Find all legs, check. Find head, check. Fill with autobody filler....er....why would I happen to have that lying around? Gotta wad up some aluminum foil inside first then put autobody filler around to make heavier so I can actually injure people with him. lol
Next would be the Frolicking Foal that I have been working on...for....a...while. Clearly I've gotten a long way with him since you can barely tell he is still a Frolicking Foal, right? (You can lie here.)I keep wanting to try something and then chicken out. He just doesn't talk to me when I look at him. If I see a cool picture I think, Yeah! Then I look at him and think, Nah... I will just have to pick him up and chance messing him up. I mean he does have a lot of flaws when you really start looking for them.
Then there's this guy my Achilles heel. He has been sitting around waiting to be finished FOREVER. Okay a year and a half. I need to rework the head a little. Rework the legs a lot. undefine than redefine the muscles. Hey it makes sense in my head. I love this guy, but really need to make a mold out of him soon so I can maybe fine tune a hard copy. At this point it would just help out a lot more I think. The fetlocks and hooves are just a mess. The chest looks like a muscle builder. The gaskins are WAY too long. I mean there are soooo many things I like about him, but then I look again to work on and just get depressed. Sarah Rose I am NOT! This makes that painfully evident.
Here is a Bronze basecoated TWH. Who doesn't need a random bronze horse. I really need to put paint over the base coat. Thing number 7 to get around to. lol

Here is a Kitten Chow resin by Candace Liddy I started to paint like the albino zebras. Faint pink nose, light blue eyes, light tan hooves, and stripes. Wait, where's the stripes. Yeah I tried them and you know it's hard to try that on a horse this small. I will have to try a day when I can actually sit still for that long. lol Since I never quit drinking coffee that might not happen for a long time.
I found this picture a long time ago of a gorgeous Miniature Horse pulling a carriage in a beautiful flowy trot. So here comes pony-zilla. He's pretty freaky looking. The hardest thing was to make cuts around his tail up to his butt. That tail has to go. It is large and in the way. I think it weighs as much as the rest of the horse. Lots of leg work, mane has to go, fix hole in top of head at forelock, and a face lift.
Here is Merrylegs. She has only half of her legs. I'm thinking about a carriage mate for my trotting Miniature Horse. She was who I had originally intended to do that horse with. So who knows I may have two on opposite diagonals of trotting.
Finally, Mini Alborozo type of horse. I had clay, I liked Alborozo, and I created. Then put away never to be seen again. Aha! Ingenious plan! I'm actually afraid of working on him cause he's so delicate and brittle. He has a wire armature, but geez this tiny and I see legs crumbling.
I think I will probably work on these guys tonight and I might post again tomorrow, or 20 minutes from now. lol Who knows if I will get frustrated and give up or actually have something to show in a little bit. Anyways, there's kind of an update on stuff.

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